Friday, September 12, 2008

Ike From Inside the City

Hello all. This is guest blogger, big sister Kim, reporting from inside Humble about 50 miles south of where Will is blogging from. I have to make this quick because power keeps flickering off and on and I've lost the computer already twice. Let's hope I get past this post before it goes out for good.

The wind is really picking up but the neighborhood we are in seems to be in party mode. All of the neighbors are outside, playing music and running up and down the street like complete idiots. I guess some people believe they are invincible.

On a lighter note though, a kitten has been rescued from certain Ike havoc. Mick, Will and my younger brother lives a few blocks away and called with a dilemma to this house of cat loving peoples. Rachel, his daughter, found a tiny kitten in the backyard stranded and scared. They saved him from the big bad outdoors and brought the little tyke inside. He was scared and shaking but he immediately carries the name Ike now. Imagine that. Mick has three children ages 7, 5 and 2. So, you can imagine the noise generated from that household and what a small kitten was going through. He got away from clutching kid hands and went in under the dishwasher. The KRT came to the rescue. That's Kitten Rescue Team me, Aunt Lynn and my son Bradley. We went armed with tuna and kitty treats. Well, the little guy was so cozy under the dishwasher that Mick has to completely pull it out to get him from behind it.

Kitten now saved from the spiders and dust bunnies and in the hands of some cat loving folks and oh how cute is he. We've brought him home to five other cats and we'll see if we can get him fed and surviving the big terrible Ike that bares down on us. We believe he may be about four weeks old and think that his mother must have been moving the litter when he was abandoned in the backyard. This weather makes a mother nervous, I tell you. Just ask Mom.

So, here we sit, five grown cats and one little kitten, three adults, one teenager and one tween all hunkered down to ride out the winds. The trees are a blowing and I think the neighbors have taken leave of their senses.

Ciao for now.

1 comment:

Will said...

Lynn should name the kitten Maelstrom since she names all her cats with "M" names.